Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Therapy
TREATMENT FOR fertility, tilted or prolapsed uterus, digestive and pelvic well-being
The combination of ancient wisdom and modern science, this therapy is an external, gentle manipulation that helps to reposition internal organs of the digestive and reproductive system. Restore the balance of your pelvis by freeing adhesions from trauma and invasive procedures. This abdominal intervention will improve blood flow to organs, the uterus, and the bladder, treating painful periods, fertility, endometriosis, chronic constipation, fibroids, cysts, chronic lower back pain, and indigestion. This ancient therapy gets to the root cause of physical and energetic blockages allowing your body to heal itself.
On the initial visit a 90-minute session is required to go over past and present concerns. After your first session, you will receive guidance, tools, and a plan to help you succeed in your treatment goals.
- Postpartum Bodywork -
6 weeks after delivery.
This treatment will improve uterine function, promote healing for diastasis recti, and reduce excess scar tissue. Sessions will be customized for each client and their individual needs while Lauren integrates Arvigo Abdominal Therapy to promote womb wellness. She will check pelvic alignment, facilitate emotional healing, and bring the new mama back to her center through deep relaxation.
arvigo is beneficial for the following
Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder
Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation
Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
Perimenopause, menopausal symptoms
Ovarian cysts
Pelvic congestion, pain
Digestive Disorders
Low energy
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Chronic constipation
Low Back ache
Restricted breathing due to tension